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January 2023

5 Incredible Facts About Napoleon

Napoleon was many things, but short wasn’t one of them… You can see that for yourselves by visiting his tomb in the center of Paris, at the Invalides War Museum. 1. He was an army general at 26 Born in 1769 on the island of Corsica, he graduated from the military school of Paris in...
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Why you should visit Fontainebleau castle

Fontaine-what? Fontainebleau – literally the beautiful fountain. Or the fountain found by a dog, called Bliau. Or maybe it was its master’s name. We’re not sure – which is not surprising, since the castle’s dates back to 1137 ; older than the Louvre in Paris. But don’t let that date fool you : what makes...
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Top 5 de tu día en Versalles

Versalles es mucho más que un palacio. Cuando Louis XIV, decidió convertir el palacete de caza de su padre en la residencia principal de la corte, del gobierno y suya, Versalles se convirtió en el reflejo del universo. No por nada se denominó a sí mismo como el rey sol. Él, en su palacio, es...
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5 Facts that make Chantilly a do-not-miss castle

1. The incredibly well-preserved appartments of a prince Chantilly was at some point owned by the Condé family, direct cousins of king Louis XIV, and therefore with the rank of princes. Some of the rooms still bear the trace of their formal wealth and rank, with a decoration unique in France – see below. The...
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