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5 Hidden Gardens in Paris

Paris is a city best known for its incredible monuments, museums and paved terraces. If you want to take a break from the cultural experience and simply enjoy the Spring on a sunny afternoon, you may enjoy the famous parks, such as Luxembourg, and share it with the crowd it attracts. Or, it might be the occasion to learn about the hidden gardens of Paris.

If you don’t know where they are, chances are you won’t just stumble upon them by accident. But we’re here to save the day! Check out below our list of some of the most beautiful hidden gardens in Paris.

The Green Heart of the Marais

The Clos des Blanc-Manteaux (White-Coats’ walled garden) is nestled on a former school’s playground in the Marais. Before being a school, it was a monastery back in the 13th century. True to its medieval roots, you can count more 250 different types of aromatic and medicinal plants.

The garden opens to the public on the weekends where you can enjoy some peace and quiet in the middle of one of the most touristic arrondissements!

Lush garden

The Natural Garden

Did you know there was a garden well into the city that grows freely, without the help of anyone? (I was surprised too!). Take a walk right up rue de la Réunion and you will find this wild garden right by the Père Lachaise cemetery. Ponds and frogs give way to untouched meadows of wild flowers. Quite the change of scenery from the orderly flowerbeds and neat rows of trees!

Eugénie’s Garden

When Eugénie married Napoléon III, the city of Paris gifted her with a diamond necklace to congratulate her – which she refused. Instead, she asked for a girl’s orphanage and thus, the Foundation Eugène-Napoléon was built! This hidden garden holds rosebushes and a surprising quietness, given where it stands in the middle of the 12th arrondissement!

The Romantic Garden Tea Party

Perhaps not as well hidden as the ones mentioned above, this garden is still a must-see if you are looking for a more romantic break from the city-touring.

In the 19th century, the house of the museum belonged to a Dutch painter, Ary Scheffer. You may now have some tea prepared in the old greenhouse knowing this was the meeting place of famous artists such as George Sand, Tourgueniev, and Dickens.

Balzac’s Secret Garden

Last but not least, the famous French writer used to live in this house in the 16th arrondissement under a fake name to escape from his creditors. After a visit of the house-turned-museum, you may enjoy the small and quiet garden. A nice place to read, if you ask me!  

Hidden by the stone walls of our favourite arrondissements, the smaller, less crowded gardens of Paris are a must-see while touring the city!  

What did you think of our list? Have you encountered more hidden gardens in Paris? Join us in a private walking tour of the city and our guides will show you these local gems and more!

Article written by Clémence

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